Were you a ‘Listen/Watch with Mother fan? Did you then progress to Jackanory on television after school?
There was always a set time for a story, and we would all eagerly await the radio coming out of the cupboard or the walk to the TV room, wondering in hushed tones what the story would be as we made the journey along the corridor anticipating where we would ‘go’ today.
Teachers must have loved it, the only time when the average classroom of thirty boys and girls became one quiet, attentive and enthused body, all at once. Experiencing trance journey and multi level learning by living it. Allowing it to happen due to the safe environment they were in, and retelling the story of their journey to their parents when they got home.
Jacked in to the Universe, the story a scart lead connection to the mainframe of the void, where the unconscious mind downloads information by the mega bite. Boys and girls in a journeying trance, enraptured, enthralled, engaged, being in the story, real time. Get the picture?
The power of metaphor bridging the generational gap and more; we tell our lives through stories.
If we look more closely from our new perspective, as adults, and take one story, you know, the one with the wolf who has the big eyes and the little girl with the grandma who may well be tougher than she looks, and take it in the context of a Shamanic journey, what new lessons would we learn? What if we could take that idea and apply it to other journeys that we take in life? Would we not then have a better idea what stories we would like to tell? When we would like to tell them and how they would better benefit both the teller and the listener; because you know we listen to every tale we tell. What if we could make our story better, truer, like another little girl who found the one that was ‘just right’ or so she thought at the time?
When we journey for people who come to us for help, they tell us their story, we then bring them back another story that they will connect to so that they may continue their journey towards a happy ever after. Not everyone gets there, we know this, but the meat in the middle holds the beginning and the end of a story together; it is always the journey, not the journeys end that our seekers are striving to understand.
As Shamen we tell our truth, we tell our story, your story, his – tory. We find wisdom and learning in places that others have forgotten they’ve been. The warp and weft of the tale makes a rich tapestry that we weave as we go.
So let’s explore this one story of a little girl’s journey through life, she is after all a warrior just like us. Let’s re tell her tale and find out things we perhaps forgot we knew by seeing them through Shamens eyes, and then as we always do, share our thoughts and feelings on the experience.
Shaman eyes – all the better to see you with…
For upcoming events see also www.spiralheart.co.uk
15th December 2015: The Leaping Hare Journey Circle - for anyone interested in Shamanic Journeying please see Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Spiralhearthealing/?ref=tn_tnmn for more information and links to Journey Circle pages.
The next Circle is on the 5th January 2016 and these will continue on the first and third Tuesday of the month.
15th December 2015: The Leaping Hare Journey Circle - for anyone interested in Shamanic Journeying please see Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Spiralhearthealing/?ref=tn_tnmn for more information and links to Journey Circle pages.
The next Circle is on the 5th January 2016 and these will continue on the first and third Tuesday of the month.
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